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‘15 Ways to Get Rid of Your Car’ 

iPad Editorial, Animation, & Illustration

December, 2019

Inspired by real-life events, I wrote and designed an interactive and animated iPad editorial titled ‘15 Ways to Get Rid of Your Car’ to share a myriad of  humorous approaches and ways of thinking about recycling and getting the most out of your belongings.

The Story Behind the Editorial

[Some say there are three people in this world: those who
use their gadgets until they break and replace them, those
who fix them, and those who simply keep using them as long
as possible. I have always fallen into the latter category.
No bauble has ever been too large or doodad too small to
have a prolonged existence in my collection, not even my
family's car. Let me formally introduce you to my 2001 Ford
Taurus, nicknamed Merde. Merde, oh Merde, has been in
our family for the past 19 years, made it through nearly
two decades worth of Canadian and Midwestern blizzards,
and has been used to teach both my older brother and I how
to drive. Her daring lifestyle has taken a toll (quite noticeably)
on her transmission, speakers, windows, antenna, brake pads,
mirrors, interior, gas mileage, you name it. Her passing this
year did not really take anyone by surprise. It was only a matter
of time before the layers upon layers of packaging tape holding
her seams together would fail to bear her weight any longer.
Ready to drop her off at our nearest junkyard, perhaps in return
for a couple of hundred dollars for her raw material, I was
shocked to find out that disposing Merde would, actually, cost
$300! This would simply not do. For $300 I could buy a month
of groceries or an international flight to Havana. I was not
prepared to spend this much on giving up the shell of my
beloved Merde. Well, if driving her to the nearest junkyard was
off the table, and keeping her was racking up annual payments
for her parking spot, what other options did I have? I redirected
my brain power and creative energy over the next couple of
days to brainstorm a list of unconventional penny pinching
solutions. Behold, the top 15 ways to get rid of your car...]

Preliminary Cover Sketches